Many of these Angels lost most, if not all of their possessions in Hurricane Katrina, some lost their homes as well, but they continued to support our troops--both wounded and deployed. An email to Granny, telling her of a soldier in need and these Angels would donate what they could to help. I don't remember a single time where this group did not help in some way.
American Legion Post 77, Waveland, MS donated their hall for a Meet and Greet Dinner. Commander Russell Voorhees and Post Commander Ray Cuevas made that happen for us. Thank you so much for your assistance. Another thank you to Post 77 for their help in setting up and cleaning up.
50+ guests, including wounded, active duty, retired military, Soldiers' Angels and civilians attended the dinner. Representatives from the Silver Slipper Casino and the Hollywood Casino also stopped in. Many of the retired military who attended were supported by Soldiers' Angels while deployed or recovering from combat injuries in WRAMC or BAMC. One of these retirees was helped by Soldiers' Angels in getting home after Katrina hit. A wonderful group of Women Roller Derby Skaters also joined us. They will be skating with Soldiers' Angels on their shoulders and will be promoting Soldiers' Angels in their travels. What a wonderful group! I just wish I was in Mississippi to see them skate!!
After acknowledging the local Angels and the American Legion, we made a presentation describing the many different Soldiers' Angels teams and how we support the deployed, wounded and veterans.
WLOX-TV was there and did a wonderful piece about the event. Thank you to WLOX and to Al Showers--Al, you are a true "Angel".
Soldiers' Angels recognized Jeanne Graeser, aka Granny, for her unwavering work on behalf of our soldiers. Granny was one of the Angels who lost her home and possessions in Katrina and she never stopped her support of our soldiers. If anything, her support got stronger. She has said that helping support our military is what helped her through this devastating time. She is famous for sending the warriors letters containing her "Granny Adventures".